BFI Network Short Film Funding
Dog Years, written by Jake Mackintosh, Dr by Natalys Willcox.
As the BFI Network Short Film Funding open call is launched, we’re shining a light on the support that Screen Cornwall can offer emerging producers, writers and directors to apply for funding of up to £15k for their next project.
We’ve supported both successful Cornish BFI Network funded shorts so far, helping bring together teams, supporting script development and application drafting as well as being a sounding board throughout production for locations, crew and post production.
Many who consider applying have been through our BFI Network funded training events, including the recent Treatment Writing and Producer round table sessions as well as a Story session with legendary script editor Kate Leys. A potential next step in the pathway to funding is to apply for one of the South West wide development opportunities, such as the Script Development Lab, or approach our team for 121 support through the application process.
Working with this growing network of emerging talent enables us to identify and connect a direct pipeline of Cornish talent with BFI NETWORK Talent Executives Alice Cabanas and Alix Taylor, allowing them to better respond to the needs of Cornish talent. Discussing the impact that Screen Cornwall has on the number and quality of applications, Alix says, “We have seen continual growth in talent from Cornwall and have funded two Cornish directors via our Short Film Fund… The talent development work Screen Cornwall runs in the region helps elevate talent from that area and because of that we do see stronger applications to our funds.”
Mermaids, image courtesy of Mike Hogan.